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-Dry eyes can be caused and worsened by several different factors.
-It affects the comfort, quality of vision and the overall health of the ocular surface.
-The normal tear film consists of an outer oily layer, a middle watery aqueous layer, and an inner mucous layer. Dry eye symptoms occur when any of these layers are affected.
-The two most common causes are aqueous deficient and evaporative (due to a breakdown in the outer oily layer that is produced by the lid’s Meibomian glands).
What are the Symptoms?
-Sandy-gritty or burning irritation that generally gets worse as the day goes on. You may also experience it after prolonged visual tasks such as computer work, reading and driving.
-Symptoms of dryness usually precede watery eyes which then cause blurriness that requires continual blinking improve vision.
-In its early stages, or with mild dry eye, one may only have symptoms after long days, prolonged computer use and in dry or windy conditions.
Can watery eyes be dry eyes?
-The excessive reflex tears are more watery and the other critical components found in healthy tears such as oils, proteins, and mucous are absent.
-Ironically, a patient can have “watery eyes” but still be diagnosed with “dry eyes” because these reflex tears do not coat the eye well. This causes residual dry patches on the ocular surface. In addition, you may notice symptoms only when wearing your contact lenses or when you become dehydrated.
What are the most common treatments?
-The most common treatment for dry eyes is artificial tears, available over-the-counter and warm compress.
More severe dry eyes may require the following treatments
-Lifestyle changes
-Tempsure envy RF treatment
-Meibomian gland expression
-Punctal plugs.
*You should always consult with your eye doctor before treating this condition yourself. Book Now
End the discomfort and book your exam today. You can also find treatments and savings below.
Over the counter eye drops are typically the first treatment. Sometimes they are the only treatment needed. There is a wide verity of drops as well as a wide verity of dry eye causes. We recommend getting your eye exam t see what is the best choice for you!
The Bruder mask delivers an effective moist heat treatment. Simply microwave for 20-25 seconds and apply for 8-10 minutes or as prescribed by your doctor. The compress helps stabilize the tear film, improves oil gland function and slows tear evaporation. Properly hydrated and lubricated eyes can expel bacteria and debris more efficiently so your eyes will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Xiidra or Restasis medications are sometimes necessary in the treatment of dry eye syndrome. In these cases the body needs help to produce lubricating
tears. These drops not only produce the liberation to ease the discomfort it also eventually promotes the production of your own tears. Scroll below for savings
In cases of dry eye where the Meibomian Glands (outer oily layer) are clogged it is necessary to express them in order for the oils to flow more freely. When this is required the doctor can manually express the glands in the office setting.
When it is a dysfunction involving the middle layer of the tear film punctal plugs can sometimes be a course of treatment. A common illness that can cause this problem is Sjogren's disease. When this is required the doctor can insert them in the office setting.
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